Saturday, October 30, 2010

Goodbye For Now

Here's a song shared that I'd like to repost on here for All Souls/Saints Day.  We have our dearly departed loved ones to offer Mass services for as they've held special place in our lives.

Goodbye for Now by Kathy Troccoli

I hope in a way that this eases the sense of loss we've been through.  Time heals all wounds in God's own good time. May we all find comfort in this spritual song.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Memory of Kuya

You were the strong one who told me to take caution when it comes to matters of the heart, Kuya.  As the eldest in our family, you experienced all there was for us younger siblings.  You've been through many heartbreaks that ruined and pained you.  Just when you've found heaven, with your untimely death, you suddenly crossed St. Peter's Gates.

How I wish we could all turn back the time.  Memories of you are still there.  You're never far apart from us.  As All Saints/All Souls Days approach, all I can do now is keep you in my heart.  I still cry.  We still cry.  We all miss you very dearly.  All we need is healing time but losing you has been the greatest wound we've had and forever scars remain. 

As our other dearly departed loved ones have gone ahead of us, too, we all know that you're happier in Heaven as one of our dearest guardian angels.  We love you very much, Kuya, please do know that.